ADDing to the mayhem: momx3 with adhd

We put the fun in dysfunctional

The #AdhdBlogger — July 24, 2015

The #AdhdBlogger

So, yeah-
The #AdhdBlogger.. Well, before starting my blog, I was skeptical because I wasn’t sure I could post regularly.
I ended up coming up with a few topics right off the bat. I got to thinking, “Yeah! I can totally do this (newly medicated and all)!”
Well, I did good for a few months then (my little girl began her ADHD symptoms and) I kind of fell off.
Long story short- My 3 #adhdkids play off one another like no one’s business.. So, where my oldest is more mild in his symptoms, the other two badger (for lack of a better word) each other until it’s like WWIIII or something.
Needless to say, I needed to pay more attention to them- especially due to (summer break and) schedule changes, lack of routines etc. I should be good to go with regular posting by late August (when school begins).
Okay, so, the main reason for my “short story” is I came across other #adhdbloggers and noticed that I’m not the only one that says, “I’m totally going to post like 5o million times!”.. then winds up not posting for almost a year!!
Haha! So, here’s something to dedicate to those, like myself, that get wrapped up in random (family) mayhem!!

I hope you enjoy the upcoming blog posts (and the meme)!

#adhdma #adhdmommy #adhdkids #adhdchildren #adhdmayhem #adhdchaos #adhdmoments
#addingtothemayhemmomx3withadhd #hashtagmuch #random #adhdrandom #totallyADD #totallyADDmom #adhdmommyblog #tenfour

Over & Out!! ❤

#ADHD in pictures.. — July 6, 2015

#ADHD in pictures..

So, #Bitstrips makes it easier to bring to you the mayhem inside our living quarters.

I found that it’s almost the simplest idea ever.. Only had one or two issues. #Bitstrips doesn’t allow you to make more than one character. I used my resource (#Google), my BFF, and came up with Bitstrips for Schools/education. Technically, I am using it to educate the public.. So, there! Well, the second issue is that it costs after your trial is over. Sadly, mine is coming to an end. I really wish it were free for advacates (that, typically, aren’t paid). I feel compelled to do this especially because it appeals to everyone plus, it tells a story and allows you to see how the characters interact in the scenes. Which, to me, is way more interesting than just telling your story “the normal way”.
Last November, my kids and I decided to take a family picture. I’d actually planned on the weekend before the shoot but as #ADHD has it, that’s not very uncommon. So, it was interesting. My sister did the picture-taking because no one else would’ve been able to, frankly.
The basic idea was for her to just take a picture when all of us were looking at her, at the same time. Some were good and others were, well, funny.
Now, the reason for me disclosing this info (again) is because I happen to create a sort-of out take type thing as a visual.
It was soooo not funny as we were taking the pics but looking back, it’s pretty humorous.

So, I give you:
My tribute to our homemade portrait!

#ADHDHumor #ADHDFamily #ADHDKids #ADHDMom #ADHDBitstrips #Bitstrips

All my trips to the store… — July 4, 2015